
Matt McCormick is an American filmmaker known for his unique approach to documentary filmmaking. Born in Oregon in 1973, McCormick grew up in a family of artists and musicians. His work is influenced by his family’s artistic background as well as his love for music and literature. McCormick began his filmmaking career in the early 2000s and has since produced a number of acclaimed films that explore various cultural, social, and environmental issues.

Early Career

McCormick’s early work focused on capturing the essence of Pacific Northwest culture. His first film, “The Subconscious Art of Graffiti Removal,” explored the beauty and tragedy of graffiti removal. The film features a series of interviews with city officials, graffiti artists, and local residents, who share their thoughts on this controversial practice.

McCormick’s next film, “American Nutria,” followed the journey of a group of scientists studying the impact of invasive species on American ecosystems. The film was screened at numerous film festivals and received high praise for its scientific accuracy and environmental message.

Recent Work

McCormick’s recent work has focused on exploring cultural issues and social justice themes. His film “Buzz One Four” is a documentary about a B-52 bomber that crashed in Maryland in 1964. The film follows the families of the crew members, who are still searching for answers about their loved ones’ final moments.

McCormick’s most recent film, “The Great Northwest,” is a compilation of 16mm footage shot by his grandmother in the 1950s and 60s. The film showcases the beauty of the Pacific Northwest and explores the history of the region through his family’s eyes.

Style and Technique

McCormick’s films are known for their unique blend of documentary and experimental filmmaking styles. His work often incorporates found footage, archival material, and personal narratives. McCormick uses a combination of voiceover, music, and visuals to create a cinematic experience that is both immersive and thought-provoking.


McCormick’s work is inspired by a variety of influences including literature, music, and art. He has cited authors like Kurt Vonnegut and Hunter S. Thompson as major influences on his filmmaking style. McCormick is also a musician and often incorporates original music into his films.


Matt McCormick is an accomplished filmmaker whose work explores a wide range of cultural, environmental, and social justice issues. His films are known for their unique blend of documentary storytelling and experimental filmmaking techniques. McCormick’s passion for storytelling and his artistic vision have made him one of the most exciting voices in modern documentary filmmaking.