
Serge style is a classic tailoring technique that has stood the test of time. It is a style that has been worn by men and women for generations, and continues to be popular today. In this article, we will explore the history of serge style, its unique features, and why it has remained popular for so long.

History of Serge Style

Serge is a type of twill fabric that has been used for centuries in the production of military uniforms. Its durability and strength made it an ideal choice for military use. The serge fabric was later adopted by civilians, and the serge style of tailoring became popular in the 19th century.

During the Victorian era, serge tailoring became a symbol of status and power. The high-quality fabric was expensive, and only the wealthy could afford it. Serge suits were worn by businessmen, politicians, and other members of the upper class.

Features of Serge Style

Serge style is characterized by several unique features. Firstly, it is a type of twill fabric that has a distinctive diagonal weave. This gives it a textured appearance, and also makes it more durable. Secondly, serge suits tend to have a more structured look than other types of suits. The heavy weight of the fabric and the tight weave make the suit look more rigid and formal. Finally, serge suits often have a very subtle shine, which adds to their formal appearance.

Why Serge Style Has Remained Popular

Serge style has remained popular for several reasons. Firstly, it is a classic style that has been worn for generations. It is a style that is timeless and will never go out of fashion. Secondly, serge fabric is very durable, which means that a suit made from it will last a long time. This makes it a good investment for people who want a suit that will stand the test of time. Finally, serge suits have a very formal appearance, which makes them suitable for a wide range of occasions. They are appropriate for weddings, funerals, and other formal events.


In conclusion, serge style is a classic tailoring technique that has remained popular for centuries. Its durability, formal appearance, and timeless style have made it a favorite of many generations. Whether you’re a businessman looking for a high-quality suit, or a fashion-conscious individual who appreciates c